Toronto SUN+ App Reviews

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App Review

So I can use my 3G data and go online and see the sunshine girl for free or I can use this app which uses 3G data and pay $0.99 cents for 7 days and see the same sunshine girl wow what a joke Im going to delete this app and go back to reading the Toronto sun online and look @ the sunshine girl for free.

Toronto sun wont work after update!!!

Recently updated and now wont even open

Wont open

After the last update this app no longer opens.

Dont upgrade

This app actually makes the national post app look stable. Im going back to paper news, its that bad.

Doess not work

Dont bother downloading this app. It does not open at all. Try another news app instead. CTV News, CP 24, 680 News and Toronto Star are much better alternatives.


Loved the old sun app! This one is to limiting. So I upgraded to paying for full news. App still blocks different stories and tells you your off line when your not. Also crashed a lot. Then wouldnt open at all. Will Try to reinstall. But if that doesnt work then Sun you have lost a subscriber! I wouldnt bother downloading till they work out the bugs! This app is sluggish, but good when it works which is 50% of the time! SO DONT BOTHER TILL THEY FIX IT!

Big scam

Once you leave the home page, everything else is locked out until you subscribe. Whos going to pay for the Sun!! Crappy and misleading.

Sun + content for subscription

I will just get the same news from a different source that doesnt require a subscription. In the age of internet your business model is going to fail.


Your stupid polls take up most of a page, obscuring the article, and they refuse to close. Its crazy annoying, and just adds to the overall bullcrap with this app.


90% of the time a link is included, it is inoperable. And why does only half a "Tweet" show up? If theyre only going to include half, why put anything there at all! Once again, the Worker Hating Anti labour fat cats have paid as little as possible to "Fix" their issues with this App. I cant give a Zero so they get a 1! Might as well just delete it.

Dont bother

Ill be reading Toronto star now.

Thanks for the crappy update.

Why is it we can see the news online but you need to charge us for the app.

Thanks for the garbage.

Used to be my favourite app for the last 2 years. Now you cant hardly read any articles unless you upgrade to a subscription. I would have expected this from the star or post, not the sun. Thanks.

New record- uninstalled in 30 seconds))

This "fixed" bugs app won t even open. Quite trying.

Dont update

They are starting to limit how many articles you read for free, cash grab, there are plenty of free news apps out there, the sun needs to smarten up

Ok when it works

Frequently loses its connection to the servers, cant regain them if it starts without a connection.


Rarely works , use the star

Keeps crashing

Layout is terrible, content is refreshed multiple times a day even though the "new" content is old and it keeps crashing on the iPhone 6.

One app sun+

Why do I have to pay for access to the Toronto sun when I am already paying for the edmonton sun. Its one newspaper conglomerate. I am a transplanted ontarian and would like news from ontario once in awhile. Dont juice me an extra buck once a week to do it!!!

Stopped working

Get a "couldnt load, try again" message about half the time.

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